Friday 6 November 2015

Plot transformation: 18 months in

I have had my current allotment for 18 months now.

It's strange to think back to the 100% weed covered mass of land I started off with:

...when in recent months, the plot has looked more like this:

And even in October, it was flowering like this:

And right now, the allotment looks in part like this:

So I need to catch myself in moments when I look around and feel like a few other people's plots are spotlessly, weed free and flowing with tidy perfection. I have come along using immense, backbreaking hard work. There have been times I have undertaken 4 or 5 hour straight sessions of weeding and clearing and planting. There may well be a strip of land at the entrance and front of the allotment plot that is once again completely covered in problematic grass and weeds... but things can't be perfect all at once and all the time, as any honest gardener truly appreciates. I will get there in time, and it is best to do it slowly and surely, and with the love and care I am giving than going the whole hog and overdoing it then having to give up from lack of strength!

This blog is going to track my progress in my little plot of paradise. I plan to fill the blog with planting updates, harvesting achievements, recipes, trials and triumphs, and adventures.

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